Monday, February 15, 2021

Portland, Oregon


Welcome to the visitor or visitors 

from Portland, Oregon, United States

City of Portland, Oregon |

After 31 visits you got my attention!

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“Doctrines of Demons”


“Doctrines of Demons”

1 Timothy 1:19-20

Doctrines Of Demons DO Exist!

A glaring example of doctrines of demons is

 eternal security 

 the belief that backsliders remain saved in their vile wickedness.

It's chilling to consider the capabilities of demons!

A demon is a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, prevalent historically in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media and the political circles around the world!

Who are the falling christian republicans in congress?

Human Beings still hell bent on kneeling to the will of money, power and trump at all cost to their body and soul ( trump demons!)

Among other things, demons can perform miracles

Revelation 16:14  

and devise seducing teachings, based

1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

1 Timothy 4:7-8 TLB - Don’t waste time arguing over ...

Jesus Death

1 Peter 3:18

For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

1 John 3:16

Hereby perceive we the love [of God], because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down [our] lives for the brethren.

What are doctrines of demons in 1 Timothy 4:1? |


A demon is a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, prevalent historically in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media and the political circles around the world!

Who are the falling christen republicans in congress?

Human Beings still hell bent on kneeling to the will of money, power and trump at all cost to their body and soul ( trump demons!)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Who are the Hymenaeus and Alexander’s of today?

Who were Hymenaeus and Alexander, and what does it mean 


Who are the Hymenaeus and Alexander’s of today?


I am told that their job as Christians is to believe, have faith and lead their lives as an example to this world of non-believers?


I have been trying to lead this life in hope that some of my people (Mohiigans) would at least try to find the why of my peace and love for them!

Kevin McCarthy Hymenaeus


Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia





Hymenaeus and Alexander of today keep on polluting the work charged to me by all

(Past Shechaim's) of my people with their warped ideas about following the

'Christian God and his Son Jesus Christ'!

Kevin McCarthy Hymenaeus


Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia


 I believe they need to be excommunicated from their faith!

Because their belief in Christianity is only a convenience when needed!


God | Definition of God by Merriam-Webster


An explanation about the above statement is needed?


Matthew 5:14-16


A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 

Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and 

glorify your Father in heaven.”

Is this what really happened to the Senate Hearings?

Can a Christian do this with no backbone and with lies while following their

Mammon. Or their god?



 False Gods We Worship | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute (


I believe every word written in the ‘Christian holy Bible!


Well for starters; 

this religion is the only one that I can find out on the internet

 willing to back up their belief with the truth!

 1 Timothy 1:18-20.

Hymenaeus (Kevin McCarthy - REPUBLICAN LEADER)

Serves only one master, that being




(Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell)!

 Mitch McConnell serves only one master, that being



Hymenaeus and Alexander


Were two prominent men in the Church at Ephesus, who undoubtedly were Christians but who had become seriously sidetracked by the Enemy.

They had taken in and propagated false teaching, 

and as the result of this the apostle had to hand them over to Satan

 in order to teach them not to blaspheme.

The purpose was to restore them;

 it was that they might be taught, that they might be disciplined, and this seems to indicate that they were Christians who had been led astray and who needed to be disciplined by the Lord. 

When Christians willfully persist in disobeying the Lord 

there is need for discipline, 


sometimes this discipline is very severe.

This reference to Hymenaeus and Alexander brings a warning to us all. 

What are the lessons that we should learn from these two men?

Study 5 HYMENAEUS AND ALEXANDER - Words of Life Ministries



Friday, January 29, 2021

Liquid nitrogen can cause serious damage (DUH)!


Might we call in the federal/state investigators, before the accident?

For well over 40 years (1981 to 2021), federal and states have been cutting back on Unions, federal, state inspectors and (OSHA),

Occupational Safety and Health Administration?

Fatality Inspection Data | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (

I would say, except for fear of a lawsuit, that some might also be getting paid under the table, so to speak, to close their eyes to cheating companies?

News from Shechaim🤷‍️: Keystone Pipeline (

Remembering my jobs?

State, local, federal officials investigating what caused leak that killed 6 at processing plant (

Investigators from at least three different local and federal agencies are currently inside a Hall County chicken processing plant trying to figure out what triggered a liquid nitrogen line to burst, killing 6 people and injuring a dozen others.

It happened around 10:30 a.m. at the Foundation Food’s chicken processing facility in Gainesville.

On top of the six workers that were killed, three more remain in critical condition and several more, including firefighters, were injured after breathing in the liquid nitrogen fumes.

Colorless, odorless, and extremely cold, liquid nitrogen can cause serious damage and quick death with no warning. The gas can cause extensive tissue damage or burns. Inhaling large amounts of nitrogen can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and death. Poultry plants use liquid nitrogen for refrigeration systems.

At least 6 dead, 10 injured in chemical leak at Georgia food processing plant

At least six people died and at least 10 people were taken to hospitals Thursday morning following a chemical leak at a food processing plant in Hall County.

At least 6 dead, several injured in chemical leak at Georgia food processing plant (


Monday, January 11, 2021

The Capital of the people for the people, all of the people

By now you must be a little tired of my writings about the abuse of your/our Capital from trump redneck rebels? Well here’s another one! (Insurrectionist)? The shout of the trump army was, “This is our building”!
Question; Is this how you treat your home?
Don’t answer that, we the humans of the ‘United States of America’ know your answer!
Is this your home? (Insurrectionist)? NOUN A violent uprising against an authority or government. [more] Synonyms: rebellion • revolt • uprising • mutiny • revolution • insurgence • insurgency • rising • rioting • riot • sedition • civil disobedience • civil disorder • unrest • anarchy • fighting in the streets • coup • coup d'état • jacquerie • putsch

Sunday, January 10, 2021

trumps is the 2nd president to try to over throw our government

Remember this guy; Jefferson Davis Notice the likeness between the two? Both want non white slaves. Both want to control the country. Both are cowards. Both are lousy military men. Both attack a minor fort/building as a militant threat! president trump the leader of the military/government was the 2nd to try to over throw our government with a confederate military! The 1st was the president of the other confederate military/government Jefferson Davis! trump;
While standing behind a ‘bullet proof glass wall' this coward told his militant military to follow him to the ‘Capital building of the United States of America' to do whatever necessary to take back his country,! While his militant army was carrying out his orders, where was their coward leader? Hiding in the Whitehouse bunker with his friends and family until it was over! Washington Capitol Building Attacked While Trump Staff & Family Watch Online In Real Time. – YouTube Jefferson Davis Jefferson Finis Davis[a] (June 3, 1808 – December 6, 1889) was an American politician who served as the president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. As a member of the Democratic Party, he represented Mississippi in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives before the American Civil War. He previously served as the United States Secretary of War from 1853 to 1857 under President Franklin Pierce. Lincoln ran for President in 1860, sweeping the North in victory. Pro-slavery elements in the South equated his success with the North's rejection of their right to practice slavery, and southern states began seceding from the union. To secure its independence, the new Confederate States fired on Fort Sumter, a U.S. fort in the South, and Lincoln called up forces to suppress the rebellion and restore the Union.

Friday, December 25, 2020

I Hate History!


Words that will NEVER come out of my mouth, – UNLESS?

I am begging, pleading and just plain doing my humble best to explain our history?

Infographic: The History of Pandemics, by Death Toll (

I will however, constantly write to you from my memories, out from my heart, to you in one if not all of my blogs!

Today, to me history 

is one of the 

if not the most important subject for our

school children from diaper to death,

 because there is far too much needless death around

 'Mother Earth' from not learning from our mistakes of our past 

and correcting them today and in our future?

Remember; our best and only weapon in any pandemic until science is able to catch up, 

is the mask with social distancing!

I Hate History! | Shechaim's News of the Day (

(CNN) - To gather or not to gather has been the question at the forefront of the minds of today's religious leaders and their church members. During the 1918 influenza pandemic that ultimately killed 50 million to 100 million people, 

different answers to that same question

 resulted in either collective well-being 


widespread, devastating loss.

CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos


Pandemic of 1918 on CNN - Bing images


The 1918 Spanish Flu Beats all Pandemics since the Black Plague | PAUL ANDREWS (


Here are some of the major pandemics that have occurred over time:


Time period

Type / Pre-human host

Death toll

Antonine Plague


Believed to be either smallpox or measles


Japanese smallpox epidemic


Variola major virus


Plague of Justinian


Yersinia pestis bacteria / Rats, fleas


Black Death


Yersinia pestis bacteria / Rats, fleas


New World Smallpox Outbreak

1520 – onwards

Variola major virus


Great Plague of London


Yersinia pestis bacteria / Rats, fleas


Italian plague


Yersinia pestis bacteria / Rats, fleas


Cholera Pandemics 1-6


V. cholerae bacteria


Third Plague


Yersinia pestis bacteria / Rats, fleas

12M (China and India)

Yellow Fever

Late 1800s

Virus / Mosquitoes

100,000-150,000 (U.S.)

Russian Flu


Believed to be H2N2 (avian origin)


Spanish Flu


H1N1 virus / Pigs


Asian Flu


H2N2 virus


Hong Kong Flu


H3N2 virus




Virus / Chimpanzees


Swine Flu


H1N1 virus / Pigs




Coronavirus / Bats, Civets




Ebolavirus / Wild animals




Coronavirus / Bats, camels




Coronavirus – Unknown (possibly pangolins)

848K (Johns Hopkins University estimate as of 10:28am PT, Aug 31, 2020)

Infographic: The History of Pandemics, by Death Toll (

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Welcome to the visitor from San Francisco, California


Welcome to Uncasvillage Embarq’ from around ‘Mother Earth’

Uncasvillage was a small village of my people up until around the early 1980’s!

Need more input?

Please ask?

Welcome to the visitor from San Francisco, California

To the debunked site at

((( )))!

Sorry about the site being shut down you see,

Century link bought out Embarq and shut down our ‘free site’

thank-you for the visit to one of our other sites at

For a connection to our other (MOHIIGAN), blogs

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I see from the tracker that many others have visited in the past,

so sorry, I was left with little time to correctly notify you!