Thursday, November 2, 2017

This is an Apple

This is an Apple

This is a Banana!
This is the Truth --------------------------------------This is Fake News

This is real News -------------------------------------------------------------  This is Fake News

This is our President


This is a Fake

This is our Vice-President

This is the Fake

This is Angus King

This is Bernie Sanders

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Military Officials Sex Scandal

The Pentagon removed a two-star general from duty because!
Sex scandals are rife in the U. S. Military, investigation finds.

Senior military officials sanctioned for more than 500 cases of serious misconduct
Tom Vanden Brook
USA TODAY Published Oct. 24, 2017
When is ‘Enough, Enough?
Now would be a good time.
What is the punishment for a ‘senior personal’
that takes advantage of a
‘junior personal’in our military?
Next to nothing or ever and for the most part nothing!

Because the abuse can be traced all the way up to the top of the military ladder
at time even the Commander in Chief!
Women in the service of our country and wives and daughters of military personal have been dominated and abused since the beginning of our military!
When is ‘Enough, enough?
Now would be a good time.

The Pentagon removed a two-star general from duty this week after USA TODAY revealed he had been sending racy text messages to the wife of a subordinate soldier.
Our Pentagon reporter Tom Vanden Brook explains how he broke the story and why the military is still struggling to get to the bottom of its sexual harassment problems. Sex scandals are rife in the U.S. Military investigation finds. by Jack Moore 10/25/2017
Video's of military officials sex scandal;_ylt=AwrTccyU4PFZMo0AovEPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=military+officials+sex+scandal&fr=yhs-btbar-002&hspart=btbar&hsimp=yhs-002

Monday, October 23, 2017

Dish Network Question?

Dish Network Question?
Do you have Dish Network?

We have had dish for a number of year now, in fact our Dish Modem just gave up the ghost, so to speak. A truly long story, very long and boring, so the question is.
Do you have Dish HDTV?
This new box has people in a program speaking in a really low volume and when music comes on, it gets really loud! Also If we wish to hold a program and get back to it in a few minutes or so. If we pass through the commercials and a bit of the program and try to go back to the beginning of the program, it goes back to the beginning of the commercials?
The bottom line is, two techs say that it happens to everyone including them, is this so? Does this always happen to you?Walkingfox

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Another important reminder for the People

The founders (Writers), of the Constitution of the United States of America, while forming this contract to the people of the country, signed on September 17th 1787.
Were being paid to
(Serve the People)!
The real plan from day one
(was, is, and should always be).
Government of the People,
for the People
always serve the People!
the People serve our government.

Our forefathers did not write in
What has happened to the United States of America in the past 230 plus years?
State and federal house of representatives, senate and the courts
make billions of dollars by taking from the People to give to themselves
trade with
(Big Business and other millionaire and/or billionaire)!
If you are not a millionaire
or a
are willing to
drop to your knees
at the drop
of a few dollars,
you will never be able to
“help protect and serve
the citizens
of the
United States of America”!


Trump focused in on that image of Roderick, asking her directly,
excuse me, you dropped to your knees?”
From an episode of Celebrity Apprentice in 2013.

The Basics
(For children to understand),
just in-case someone from our government is reading?
The Constitution is the highest law in the United States.
All other laws come from the Constitution.
It says how the government works.
It creates the Presidency.
It creates the Congress.
It creates the Supreme Court.
Each state also has a constitution.
The constitutions of the states are their highest law for that state
the United States Constitution is higher.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Maïngan People of Connecticut

The Maïngan  People of Connecticut
Just who are the American native eastern woodland
The Moiigans, 'Maïngan – Yáw – Wolf-People',
people and where did they come from?

Scholars, archeologists, anthropologists and just plain people have been trying to trace our people the Moiigan's' for years now.

I believe most would agree to start someplace in the middle east or the middle of Africa, this is the place that is agree on as the start of our life as we now know it.

Religion set aside for now only so that I may make the point of where my people got that name, many now believe that their ancestors followed the food chain across the Striates

(what was then a land bridge between what is now Russia & Alaska)


(what is now Canada)

and then our people continued down into what is now called

(the Great Lakes in upper New York Lower Canada).

My ancestors, a part of the (Monheags) Mohican people, after some time became closer to Mother Earth as farmers; they became so good at farming that 'other villages' wanted their land


pushed them all the way across the land and over what we call the Pequot river

(Thames River).

After so many years of being beat up and pushed around, our people finely learned how to fight back, so when the villages of this new land started pushing, our people pushed back and pushed back so well they ended up with all of the land!

When the Europeans showed up and stated pushing they pushed back and pushed so hard that the Europeans called our ancestors the Piquet’s


later the English changer the name to


When Grand Sachem Wopigwooit, one of many of our peace loving Sachem’s, died in 1631

(there should never be a vote of the people).

However, two names came up as too who should be the next sachem,

Uncas had seniority and the blood line and Sassacus wanted war so he


became the next Sachem of the Pequot people?

This is wrong as wrong could be, to go against the wishes of our ancestors!

After many years, many wars and the loss of so many young braves of the Pequot people, Uncas, now war chief,

tried to get Sachem Sassacus to stop the wars and try peace with the Europeans and neighboring tribes.

As Uncas explained,

Every time the Europeans lost a warrior, ten more would come to fight in his place;

the Pequot’s had no replacements and would soon no longer exist.

The trickster

(Coyote, Satan)

blinded the eyes of Sassacus and most of the Pequot people,

So, Uncas took all that wished to go over the Pequot river to what is now called

the Great falls

and changed the name back to Moiigan's.

This group of his people asked Uncas to take his rightful place as Sachem of this group of Moiigans.

Martha, his wife, had one husband, Uncas as Sachem had many wives.


Because of this

Sassacus considered Uncas and his people to be just another of his many enemy so the Pequot’s. Immediately attacked this group across the river at a place now known as Fort Shantok park. named after one of the Moiigan braves,

 that held off this brutal attack from their relatives.

Eventually the Europeans and all of the Pequot neighboring tribes grew tired of this constant fighting joined forces


regardless of what you now read in the papers


from some people.

Completely decimated the entire Pequot tribe, now called nation!

It was at this time that Uncas became

"The Grand Shechaim Ohjieshan of all of the people".

Because of new wars with the Narragansett’s

(who many time were much more brutal to the peace loving smaller tribes then the old Pequot tribe)

Uncas moved a small band of non-royal mixed clan

of his new tribe and settled them as lookouts in the area now known as Fort Shantok.

As usual the European’s began misspelling the name of our people and started calling them


As Paul Harvey liked to say,

“Now you know the rest of the story”.

As told to me by our Elders.


O K I may need to go through this once again before you read the following article.

In an Eastern Woodland American Native Society

(a Matriarch Society)

the Shechaim Ohjieshan (Sachem),  is the ruler of the people.

This person is born into the Royal family

no one can vote for a Sachem (Shes-um).

This person male or Female

can designate anyone of his people as chief


that person will be a chief for as long as the Sachem needs that person to be chief of a job for the tribe.

Each tribe has a number of clan mothers with one chosen

by the Sachem as head Clan Mother.

The tribe also has a council of Elders and this council is set up and run by the clan mothers.

Now the entire tribe collects and hands over everything to their Sachem,

then the Sachem distributes everything through-out the tribe!

Once everything is evenly distributed the Sachem and family must rely on the tribe for the families care and comfort!

This has a tendency to have a very good Sachem.

Prior to her death on July 15, 1929,


because he was the next in line

Alice Melinda Storey/Tracy/ Fielding


William James Storey

to be Sachem Tallfox


her choice to rule

The Moiigans, 'Maïngan – Yáw – Wolf-People', (Mohegan).

Alice Storey/Tracy Fielding was at that time known as the Princess (Sachem) of the Mohegan’s, and is a direct descendant of Uncas, acknowledged leader of the Mohegan Indian Tribe,

during the "Pequot War" of 1637, and thereafter.

This title was affirmed as

"Sachem for Life" by the Officers of Tribal Council of Mohegan Indians

and on November 18, 1933

Sachem Tallfox appointed his cousin John Hamilton as his War Chief of land claims


this was recognized and supported by the Mohegan’s, including Courtland Fowler, from 1933 through the 1960s.

In the late 1960s, War Chief Hamilton was authorized by the Council of Descendants of Mohegan Indians to act on its behalf in matters pertaining to the relations between the Mohegan Indian Tribe


the State of Connecticut.

At that time, Fowler served on the Council under war chief John Hamilton.

In 1970,

A faction of Mohegan’s became dissatisfied with the prospects

of the Mohegan Indian Tribe filing of land claim suit against the tribe’s neighbors.

So at an unofficial Council meeting in May 1970,

sought to elect a new leader of the Mohegan Tribe?

War Chief Hamilton rejected the asserted authority of the Council to replace him so he and his followers left the meeting.

The remaining Mohegan Indians and non Indians at the meeting elected Courtland Fowler as their leader?

The total number of people casting votes was fewer than 10

according to public statements made by Courtland Fowler.

Fewer than 10 people tried

and succeeded

to overthrew the Sachems Constitutional government and leadership tradition

older than recorded history


leave the majority of Mohegan’s out.

Of course

this delighted the federal and state government because it closed all of our treaties forever!

Despite this separation however, from the 1970s until 1994,

no Mohegan Indian was excluded from participation in traditional practices, events or ceremonies by virtue of association with either the Storey/Hamilton or Fowler faction of Mohegan Indians.

War Chief Hamilton continued to pursue a land claim suit on behalf of the Mohegan Tribe, and retained counsel for the purpose of prosecuting the land claim suit.

In 1977,

"The Mohegan Tribe,"

acting through War Chief Hamilton,

filed a land claim suit in federal district court in Connecticut against the State of Connecticut, asserting that aboriginal and historic claims and titles to over 2,000 acres in Montville, Connecticut

had been extinguished in violation of the Non-Intercourse Act.

War Chief Hamilton further filed a notice with the Bureau of Indian Affairs


seeking federal acknowledgment of

"The Mohegan Tribe" in 1978.

Both the land claim suit and the acknowledgment petition were filed on behalf of the Mohegan Tribe by Attorney Jerome Griner,

who had been retained by Hamilton under his authority as Chief of Land claims.

From May 1970 through 1979, the Fowler faction continued to actively and publicly oppose both the land claim suit and the federal acknowledgment petition.

From 1979 to 1981,

the Fowler faction organized an entity called the

"Mohegan Tribal Council"


adopted a constitution for its governance in 1980.

At around this time, Attorney Griner, counsel of record for the Mohegan Tribe in the land claim suit and the federal acknowledgment petition, ceased accepting direction from Chief Hamilton. and

instead began to take direction from the Fowler faction, without notifying either the federal court

or t

he BIA of his change in clients.


(M O N E Y)!

Upon discovering that Attorney Griner had begun to serve the interests of the Fowler faction,

in 1981.

Hamilton discharged him and retained separate counsel from Attorney Robert Cohen.

Although the State raised the issue of the propriety of filings by two attorneys on behalf of

"The Mohegan Tribe"

in the land claim suit when Cohen filed his appearance in 1981 and then later in 1989, the issue of authorization for the filings of Griner and Cohen was never resolved by the district court.

The Fowler faction amended its constitution in 1984


renamed itself the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut


In 1985, Attorney Griner filed detailed documentation before the BIA in support of the 1978 acknowledgment petition on behalf of

"The Mohegan Tribe, petitioner."

Griner submitted an MTIC membership roll of 1,017 members, claiming that this roll relied on lists of Mohegan Indians prepared by the State of Connecticut.

The BIA then placed the petition under

"active consideration."

Also in 1985, the State of Connecticut filed a formal opposition to federal acknowledgment with the BIA,

characterizing Hamilton and his followers and the Fowler group as two factions of a single, unitary Mohegan Tribe.

In support of this position, the State relied on a 1979 letter from a member of the Fowler faction stating that

"‘they do not have a tribal organization because they are going to organize to form a tribal group for the sole purpose of combating War Chief John Hamilton.’"

In November 1989, the BIA announced its proposed decision that the United States would not acknowledge the Mohegan Tribe, based on its finding that

from 1941 to the date of the rejection, the Mohegan Tribe did not demonstrate sufficient social community or sufficient political authority and influence as required under 25 CPR 83.7 (b) and (c).

The BIA did not examine the files and records of Hamilton or the Council prior to issuing the proposed rejection.

In 1990,

Cohen submitted a response to the BIA pointing out that the BIA had never examined these files, and in which he narrated the internal leadership and external political and land claim efforts of Hamilton from 1941 until his death in 1988.

Because of the crossing of War Chief Hamilton


 the crossing in 1986 of Sachem Tallfox’s last living son Sachem Zeak, Clarence J Storey,


Mohegan tribal faction started under the leadership of Eleanor Fortin a White Person and

 The Secretary/driver of War Chief John E Hamilton.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Army Corps of engineers will not approve pipeline

Army Corps
Will Not Grant Easement
Dakota Access Pipeline Crossing
By Michael Edison Hayden
Catherine Thorbecke

Dec 4, 2016, 10:56 PM ET
The Latest:

Standing Rock Leader Heralds Pipeline Decision
The Associated Press
Dec 5, 2016, 10:53 AM ET

My prayers are still with you brothers and sisters

This old body cannot go outside in temperature below 60°

However, my prayers and heart have been with you from day one.

"Dirty Donald," might try to squash this.

Then we might be stuck with "Crazier Mike Pence!"

Mr. President please help to stop the abuse of your citizen

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Welcome Point Pleasant Beach

Welcome Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey
To two of our postings
on an encounter with Mathew.
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and East Lake County Florida!


Why was Central Florida (hurricane dollar damage so low)?

Friday, December 2, 2016

One might get the idea;
if it was not against the law to do so,
believe that a hurricane
is an opening,
to make people
not voting correctly

Some areas of a direct hit
from a hurricane
not getting any help
 from the government.


Call it

 "Not enough dollar Damage!"

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hurricane Matthew and East Lake County Florida!

Hurricane Matthew and East Lake County Florida!
The SECO's area hardest hit
East Lake County!
2016 Hurricane Recap
Paisley in Lake County Florida
The powers to be in the Florida Government
are telling the people in Lake County Florida.

Because there is not enough damage
reported in the county.
No one can get assistance
the government of Florida

Every one of them wants to help and is trying to help.

Governor Rick Scott refuses to call it a disaster area?

It would seem that there was not enough
dollar damage in the Lake county area
to allow FEMA's help?

Please explain this to our home, and the neighborhood.

While you are at it with your explanation,
Please ask SECO!
SECO's report
Tropical Storm Colin

Tropical Storm Colin made landfall in the late night hours on Monday, June 6.

Colin is the first named storm to make landfall in Florida since Andrea in 2013.

While Colin moved across the state, parts of SECO’s service area experienced tropical-storm-force winds and extended periods of heavy rainfall.

Colin caused only a small number of outages in SECO’s area.

Crews worked quickly and safely to restore these outages within hours.

Hurricane Hermine

made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane in the Big Bend area
on Friday, September 2.

Hermine brought buckets of rain and high winds to the area,
causing approximately 14,000 total service interruptions.

Along with the hurricane, tornadoes touched down in Sumter County.

Members in Marion, Levy and Citrus counties
were hardest hit by Hurricane Hermine.

The SECO team did a stellar job in quickly restoring power by midnight that Friday.
Hurricane Matthew
Hurricane Matthew became an extremely powerful Category 3 hurricane
that hugged Florida’s east coast as it traveled north

Thursday, October 6.

Though Matthew didn’t make landfall in Florida, the storm brought rain and very strong winds to SECO’s service area.

The hurricane accounted for
approximately 28,000 outages
for SECO members.

The area hardest hit was East Lake County,
which suffered extensive damage.
Broken trees,
damaged utility poles,
roadway debris
were challenges for
SECO crews

By early Saturday afternoon,

all SECO members’ power was restored.

the damage to our homes
still remain!

Friday, November 4, 2016

(President Barack Hussein Obama II),

The President of all of the United States of America
As the president of James Comey, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton,
of the United States of America,
(President Barack Hussein Obama II),
likes to say.
"Don't just BOO, VOTE!"

While you are at it, do not be deceived by our power companies and some of our politicians.

Remember Florida, we already voted into law our rights to "Free Power!"